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I’ve been neglecting nailpolish posts recently and it’s not like I love polish any less, my newish office job combined with being a mom means I simply don’t have the time to do my nails very often anymore (I worked from home before so I had way more time to play around). So I’ve been painting my nails once a week with mostly a-england polishes since they’re my favorites. That led me to an idea which will start next week – I’ll do wear tests and show you how the polishes hold up over a week.

But anyway, as late as I am to the party, I wanted to show you OPI Just Spotted The Lizard which I got thanks to my friend in France with the OPI Spotted a while back. Estonia just sucks when it comes to new collections. Seriously. The latest collection in the store here is the Muppets collection and they have like two of those.

So! Lizards aboard!

This is one of the many many Chanel Peridot dupes and like Peridot, it’s an interesting duochrome-y metallic. The trouble with metallics is that they’re prone to streaking which is my personal petpeeve and the reason why I don’t buy them. However this was such a cool color that I just had to try. Sure enough, it’s streaky. Could be worse though, it’s streaky enough to annoy me but not streaky enough to drive me bonkers. Other than that, it’s a classic OPI, very nice quality and OPI still has my favorite brush.

Now. Where can I get my hands on the Germany collection? I so want those vampy ones!